Weight Training Try-out

29 Sep

Weight-Training Try-out

Leach Center @ FSU

Thu, Sept 29, 2016

Today, my colleague helped me to try-out some weight training at the Leach Center Gymnasium. So far I have been reluctant to try any the weight and strength training and instead choosing to do lots of cardio. Just last week or so I saw an article in Time Magazine (Sept 12/19, 2016 issue; The New Science of Exercise) about how it is better to mix cardio with weight and strength training.

So we started out with few simple machines. My friend who has been training for more than decade demonstrated some of them and after reading the instructions they were simple enough to do.

So, today I started out with the following four machines as a try out. Few minutes each for each of these machines.


I started with Lateral Raise first.


Then I moved to Biceps Curl.


Then we moved on to Row


Then finishing with Pulldown.

Then I went to did some cardio exercise too.

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